What Factors Can Increase the Supply of Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods? A Qualitative Study

What factors and risks that affect the supply of MMH Types? Can a systemic solutions approach through risk reduction and capital to help meet the demand for the MMH types in urban core neighborhoods?

There is a need for a variety of low-rise housing types in walkable urban core neighborhoods. These housing types once existed in the urban core, but are now missing. Daniel Parolek (CNU, 2018) proposed bringing back the Missing Middle Housing (MMH) types as one way to increase the supply. However, the risks of regulations, neighborhood opposition to increased densities, and apparent under-capitalization due to financing restrictions deter suppliers (developers) from helping to increase the supply. This qualitative study utilizing a grounded theory approach examines experts and industry leaders in the field supporting the claim that MMH types are “missing.” A risk, risk reduction and capital flow mapping that influence supply emerged at the thematic portion of the research. This research suggests there is a willingness to solve the MMH types issue by mitigating the risks of all three factors of neighborhood opposition to density, lack of developer, and lender interests due to regulation and costs, which inhibit supply. Further research is necessary for mitigating the risks and infusing capital with the power brokers, the capital investors, and the suppliers.

Author: Shrimatee Ojah Maharaj

Link: https://doi.org/10.28945/4504

Cite as: Ojah Maharaj, S. (2020). What factors can increase the supply of missing middle housing types in walkable urban core neighborhoods? A qualitative study. Muma Business Review 4(2). 17-33. https://doi.org/10.28945/4504